Our thinking frameworks are:
- Work to the Power of People (WP®)
- Strategic People Levers
- The Data-Centric Model (DCM®)
- Business Architecture Model (BAM®)
- Standard Integrated People Practices (SIPP®)
- Differentiated Competency Assessment Model (DCAM)
Work to the Power of People (WP®)
QBIT’s thinking frameworks, solutions, products and services are anchored in our core business philosophy – Work to the power of People – which is expressed as WP®.
To build truly people-centric organisations, that have agile, passionate workforces, requires a deep understanding of the work that is done by an organisation, and how that work is organised. Once we understand the organisational strategy and capabilities, and understand what work is done, and how it is organised, we link people to work. In short, robust organisations are underpinned by well-designed work-centric architecture in order to liberate the organisational strategy. A work-centric organisational architecture based on the WP® philosophy has an exponential impact on igniting and sustaining an engaged workforce that delivers to strategy.
Strategic People Levers
We typically consider an organisation’s business and people strategy through five (5) strategic people levers as well:
- Work and Structure
- Outputs
- Competency and Skills
- Remuneration and Reward
- Climate and Culture
The Data-Centric Model (DCM®)
Businesses are eco-systems, and are not static. They are constantly adapting to maintain equilibrium, and to remain relevant. As businesses flex, their strategies, business value chains, policies, practices and processes are impacted.
The DCM® provides a systematic way to interrogate the integrity, maturity and health of the strategic, tactical and operational layers of a business eco-system, allowing us to pinpoint the level at which there is a breakdown or gaps and to show the impact of this delta on the eco-system.
Business Architecture Model (BAM®)
The Business Architecture Model (BAM®) reflects a consolidated view of the DCMs for all the business functions and how these interact in the context of the organisation’s strategy.
The BAM® is in essence the architectural blueprint of a business. It represents what the business does, how it does it, what it produces, and how it is organised. It depicts the connection and integration of the total eco-system across all functions of the business.
The BAM® guides our approach to designing the enterprise, and provides the context for understanding organisation, work and people data.
Standard Integrated People Practices (SIPP®)
SIPP® consists of a set of 47 clearly defined statements that govern the integrated design of Functional People Data Architecture at all levels in an organisation.
It provides a step-by-step roadmap to design this architecture, and guides the design of Human Capital practices and related processes.
For the development of the Job Architecture (JA) the Standard Integrated People Practices (SIPP®) framework is used. SIPP® is used to design jobs across the organisation to enable the designed reporting structure.
Differentiated Competency Assessment Model (DCAM)
QBIT’s DCAM is a framework in which an organisation’s competencies are architected, populated and weighted (per Level of Accountability (LoA), per Job Family and per Generic Job), and to which that organisation’s assessment model is mapped.
Organisations design their assessment models to reflect the assessment instruments that they feel will best assess those competencies that are critical to their business, for the purposes of recruitment and development of staff. These competencies are typically housed in an organisation’s Competency Library, but if not QBIT is able to provide one. The model assists organisations to ensure that appropriately skilled individuals are placed in the correct positions in the organisational structure. In addition, it also makes provision for the identification of gaps in competencies, enabling development of capabilities and people.