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Otto is the founder of QBIT with Karin, and its principle thought leader. Prior to furthering his studies in the humanities at Buffalo State University (USA), he obtained a B.Comm (Accounting) degree, B.Comm Honours in Information Systems and a Masters in Information Sciences at the University of Pretoria. Over the past 16 years Otto has focused on the potential for the Human Capital function to become a strategic business partner, and specifically the role that data and technology plays in this process. He has had the opportunity to explore this in interim executive management positions at Old Mutual and Medscheme and in key assignments at several national and multi-national companies. The development of QBIT’s thinking frameworks, solutions and products in essence reflect his thinking, and he remains actively involved in the on-going refinement of these. He has published several articles and is frequently invited to present at international and local conferences on topical matters in Human Capital. Otto is also currently spearheading QBIT’s footprint in Europe.

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